2024.10.3 THU


Everyday Enchantment
Event information

Opening Event
This event has ended, thank you.

Date:10.19 Sat. 16:30-17:00
Venue:CHANEL Nexus Hall

  advance registration required      free admission  

Yuko Hasegawa—the exhibition's artistic director—Tetsumi Kayama and Finn Ryan—the curators who planned it—and Bianca Bondi, Muku Kobayashi, and Umico Niwa—its artists—will all come together to talk about its theme and what went on behind the scenes to produce the works that were featured in it. It will be a not-to-be-missed opportunity to enjoy gaining a deeper understanding of the exhibition from the artists' and curators' perspectives.

*Application deadline : 10.19 Sat. 12:00

*If the capacity is exceeded, we will stop accepting registrations.

*To cancel your registration, please contact, clearly stating the date of the event.

*The event may be changed or canceled due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.

  Registration has been closed.   

by Muku Kobayashi & Suzueri
Registration has been closed, thank you.

Date:11. 8 Fri. 17:00- / 18:00-
Venue:CHANEL Nexus Hall
  advance registration required      free admission  

Sound performance by Muku Kobayashi & Suzueri. More details will be announced later.

*Application deadline : 11.7 Thu. 12:00

*If the capacity is exceeded, we will stop accepting registrations.

*To cancel your registration, please contact, clearly stating the date of the event.

*The event may be changed or canceled due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.

  Registration has been closed.   

Walking with curators

Date:11.10 Sun. 14:00-14:30
Venue:CHANEL Nexus Hall
  no registration required      free admission  

The curators who planned the exhibition will explain the works while walking around the exhibition space together. This is an opportunity to gain new perspectives on and broaden your appreciation of the artists' ideas, the background to the works, and the exhibition and works themselves.

*Please arrive at CHANEL Nexus Hall by the start time.

*The event may be changed or canceled due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.