Simon Adda-Reyss

Born in 1978, Simon began to play the piano at age 8. He was admitted to the Paris RegionalConservatory (CNR) into Pierre Reach’s piano class and Marie-Louise Langlais’ organ class in1991. At the same time he studies with Laurence Allix, a renonwned pedagogue. In 1993, he winsthe Ermend-Bonnal prize at the 1st André Marchal international orga competition in Biarritz. Simonenters the Paris National Conservatory of Music (CNSM) in 1994, where he studies withJean-François Heisser and Christian Ivaldi. After graduating with first degree, he went on studying inColmar with Rena Shereshevskaya while pursuing his theoretical studies (harmony, counterpoint..)at the Paris CNSM. Simon Adda-Reyss has had the privilege to receive advice from OlivierMessiaen and met him several times. Both at the piano or the organ, either as a soloist or as aparticipant in chamber music, he regularly performs in Paris (Châtelet, musée d'Orsa, Radio-France)and throughout the world, notably in cities such as Moscow where he played under the direction ofYuri Bashmet in the big hall of the Moscow Conservatory, or in Japan. He was chosen asaccompanist by opera singer Jane Rhodes and has performed with actors such as Marie-AnneChazel or François Morel. Simon has always been fond of teaching and the transmission ofknowledge. Assuch, he obtained the “Certificat d’Aptitude” for piano teaching at the Paris CNSM.In 2008, he was appointed assistant teacher at the same school.
(As of June 2016)
(As of June 2016)